Monday, October 26, 2009

Spanking please?

So, i have not had a good spanking in a while. Ru was here last week but it was too chaotic and we ended up out late for business almost every night which put a huge damper on our play time; and to top it all off i was not feeling well the last day. *sigh* i hate it when life gets in the way of my play! don't get me wrong; it was wonderful having RU here and spending time together.......there is nothing better. but, i think i am in bad need of a spanking.......yes.....yes i am. i even sent my loving Ru some nice pics of me in his favorite extremely short skirt.....bending over various things in my house.......oh yeah, i am bad......and i am sure i am in for it......i pretty much made sure of that pic i chose above RU? like those socks? LOL! i am very excited to see him again. this back and forth gets a little old every now and then...ok...all the time, but he is worth it. i, however, need to feel his ......control is such a Strong word, but is what comes to mind.......over me. his assertive hands on me. i have been making way too many decisions at work lately and would love for him to make some for me for a change. you know, i have been thinking a lot lately about why i like it.....spanking...... being spanked. Ru and i even talk about it sometimes. We both agree that one reason, and there are many, but one of the more driving reasons for me is that it takes me completely away from everything. it clears my head....there is nothing else but that moment in time.....Ru and me and my bare bottom being lit up under his firm stroke........ it is the one time i don't think of anything else......there is no work, no worry, no yesterday, no tomorrow......only that moment. i have a very cluttered brain that is very overactive. i have problems shutting it off.....LOL. there are many more reasons i like it. i did not know that the act of being spanked would take me away from the world so completely when i was daydreaming about it all the time, but it is definitely a benefit. i do like the sting too......haha....don't tell RU. i like the complete submission of it (not sure how else to describe) even though i have trouble reaching that place. it has only happened once; the complete in.... but even so i like putting myself in his hands; the act of submitting.....putting my trust in him.....letting him take me to some other place. i make it sound so serious and some times it is serious and some times it is fun and we giggle and i squirm.......there are just so many sides to it for me and i love letting him take me where ever he thinks i need to go. i love him even more for it; for letting me put that much trust in one person and not being wrong to do so. Anyway....enough of my sap!

i cannot express my excitement to see him tomorrow. My Ru, he is a planner, and i just love that he takes the time to make plans for me....for us. i don't really like planning too much..... BUT when i do make a plan at least you know it is me at least. so, sorry i have not had a good spanking story in a while, but i hope to have one for you all soon. i will be away for a few days so i am not sure when i will be able to make a new post.

i hope you all have a very spankable Halloween!!!! i will certainly try to make the best of my few short days with RU.


1 comment:

  1. Oh you are so getting your bottom spanked! You have no idea!

